A Quick Introduction

Welcome to the blog!

This will be a space for me to share evidence-based nutrition advice, recipe ideas, and adventures in food and life! Most topics will be just for fun, a few to inform, and others to debunk myths and combat diet culture. My hope is to help you on you journey to developing a better relationship with food and be an example of living nutritiously without restriction.

For years I struggled in my relationship with food (I’m talking age 9 until my mid-twenties). I’ve always identified as a foodie, but that didn’t mean I allowed myself to eat all of the foods I pined over. I restricted a lot. And that restriction lead to always thinking about food (I was always hungry, so naturally I was ALWAYS thinking about food…but not allowing myself to eat what I wanted). I was an athlete and felt that I needed to be strict with my diet in order to perform at a high level. I also wanted to look the part. Unfortunately, my initial nutrition knowledge came from uninformed coaches and non-science based information found on the Internet. This was a recipe for disaster that lead to injury, disordered eating, and eventually the end of my athletic career. The injury came while I was in college, and it is what lead me to study nutrition and dietetics. I was angry that I didn’t receive sound nutrition advice growing up and even angrier that society had pushed me to the point of restriction disguised as “health.”

After college I was introduced to Intuitive Eating and the anti-diet movement. Taking a deep dive into this topic is what helped me heal my relationship with food, and I am dedicated to helping others do the same. Nothing is perfect and we all have our good and bad days, but I now enjoy food, movement, and life in a way I never did growing up.

I follow a non-diet/anti-diet approach in my nutrition practice, and I believe that our health cannot be judged or assessed by a number on a scale. We all deserve equal and thorough health care. My hope is that this blog is a place for everyone to come learn about nutrition and have some fun with food.


5 Diabetes Myths